2.1 IRBs and Human Subjects Research

In this lesson you will learn about the basic makeup and tasks of the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and types of approval processes used to grant research study approval. Some questions to consider while completing this lesson include:

  • Why do IRBs exist?
  • What would research be like without IRBs?
  • If I had been one of the participants treated unethically in past research, would current participant protections make me feel at ease?

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the importance of an IRB
  • Express the difference between a human and non-human research subject
  • List the different types of IRB approval for research studies

Video Tutorial

Presented By: Tiffany Pineda

Practice Activity

Instructions: After watching the video tutorial, complete the following practice assessment. Choose the best answer for each question, and check your response for immediate feedback.

Required Training


Follow the instructions in your new hire packet to access the MyTraining site through my.ufl.edu. You will need to find this course using the search function, and then register for it. After watching the course content, you will need to take and pass the assessment. Please submit your certificate of completion to your supervisor upon completion of this training course.

  • IRB Mandatory Training- Course Code UF_IRB803v_OLT- IRB training



What is your favorite project that you’ve worked on as a Citizen Scientist?
